Dev Setup: Intrigue on Vagrant (VirtualBox)

To get started with intrigue Core using Vagrant, you’ll need to install Vagrant and Virtualbox on your machine.

Next, pull down the intrigue Core repository to your local machine with a git clone and jump into the directory:

$ git clone
$ cd intrigue-core
$ git checkout develop

Then use Vagrant to pull down an image, start it and then provision it:

$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox

Finally, ssh in, and follow the prompt’s instructions to start the core service:

$ vagrant ssh
vagrant$ cd /core && createuser intrigue && createdb intrigue_dev -O intrigue && bundle exec rake db:migrate && bundle exec rake setup && foreman start

Running this command starts the intrigue-core service, giving you output that looks like the following (shortened for brevity):

Starting PostgreSQL 10.5 database server                                                                                                                                                           [ OK ]  Starting redis-server: redis-server. 
Starting intrigue-core processes 
[+] Setup initiated! 
[+] Generating system password: [AUTOGEN'D PASSWORD] 
[+] Copying puma config.... 
Listening on tcp:// Use Ctrl-C to stop 

As it starts up, you can see that it generates a unique system password. You can  now log in with the username ‘intrigue‘ and the password shown at the url: https://localhost:7777 on your host machine!

Great! Now that we’re started, let’s get up and running with Intrigue Core.